Sunday, January 18, 2009

Dr. Brown objects to "Report and Recommendation"

(For clarity, please read this posting twelfth.)
Postings list is to the right on this page.
BRADFORD G. BROWN ................)
Petitioner, .......................................) Civil Case No. 3:05-cv-38
vs. ....................................................) Rule 60(b) Motion
..........................................................) Criminal Case 3:02-cr-14
Respondent. ...................................) District Judge Clay D. Land
COMES NOW Petitioner, and files this objection to this REPORT
AND RECOMMENDATION ("Recommendation"), attached as
Exhibit A. In support, Petitioner respectfully states:

MOTION form, Item 12 contains CAUTION
(must contain all grounds).
Item 12 of the MOTION Form for MOTION UNDER 28 USC § 2255
IN FEDERAL CUSTODY (Exhibit B) states:
12. State concisely every ground on which you claim that you are
being held in violation of the constitution, laws, or treaties of the
United States. Sumarize briefly the facts supporting each ground.
If necessary, you may attach pages stating grounds and facts
supporting same.
CAUTION if you fail to set forth all grounds in this motion, you
may be barred from presenting additional grounds at a later date.

MOTION form, Item 12 contains no ground assertion: 1994 tax
due = 0.
In Item 12, there are four grounds for relief presented: 12A, 12B,
12C, and 12D. The ground, "The true tax liability for 1994 was
zero. Therefore, Petitioner could not have been guilty of tax
evasion for tax year 1994, pursuant to United States v.
Edwards, 777 F.2d 644, 650 (11th Cir. 1985)." is not amongst
said grounds. Notwithstanding Petitioner's attorney (Mark
Yurachek) attached the proposition (1994 tax due = 0) to his Brief
in Support of Defendant's Motion To Vacate, Set Aside, or Correct
Sentence pursuant to 28 USC § 2255, neither Magistrate Judge
Faircloth (in his REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION, Doc 85)
nor Judge Lawson(in his ORDER, Doc. 95) was under any
obligation to address said proposition (as none did address same).
Ground (1994 tax due = 0) rendered sentence inappropriate.
The conviction sentence imprisonment, fine, and restitution were
determined by the amount of the associated tax loss for all
considered tax years. The associated 1994 conviction year tax
loss was $232,764.00, out of a total of $1,561,400.00. Therefore,
the tax loss was overstated by $232,764.00, rendering the
sentence imprisonment, fine, and restitution inappropriate
(inappropriate tax loss basis).
Ground (1994 tax due = 0) required hearing.
Statute, Title 28 USC § 2255 states, as follows:
Unless the motion and files and records of the case conclusively
show that the prisoner is entitled to no relief, the court shall
cause notice thereof to be served upon the United States attorney,
grant prompt hearing thereon, determine the issues and make
findings of fact and conclusions of law with respect thereto. Since
the associated conviction tax loss was overstated by more than
two hundred thirty thousand dollars, the files and records of the
case can not conclusively show that prisoner is entitled to no relief.
HEARING would have shown1995 tax due = 0. Doc. 168.
If Petitioner had been granted a hearing, he would have been able
to show, using information provided to his by the Department of
Justice, Tax Division Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA") unit,
that he had zero tax liability for both conviction years (1994, 1995),
as he did demonstrate in Doc. 168.
HEARING would have shown IRS owed Petitioner for
unacknowledged levy extractions for 1993 forward
(implying fraud). Doc. 201.
Petitioner requested from FOIA all IRS levy extraction records
for all money that IRS had extracted from insurance company
accounts that was destined to Petitioner for medical services
that Petitioner had rendered to company members for 1993
forward. On April 2, 2008, FOIA provided sixteen (16) pages
of levy extraction records (never before disclosed by IRS).
The per page medical payments yield was $7,140.06. FOIA
informed Petitioner that he must pay $1,176.00 to get the
remaining records (Petitioner paid the fee on April 24, 2008).
This information was in the hands of Petitioner's prosecutors
at the time of trial, implying a fraudulent scheme by said
prosecutors to convict Petitioner. See Petitioner's reply to
to Government's answer, Doc. 201. Note, Recommendation
does not address Doc. 201.
HEARING would have shown Petitioner was wrongfully convicted,
involving a fraud scheme by prosecutors at the level of more than
10 million dollars . Doc. 201.
On July 22, 2008, FOIA informed Petitioner that 1,488 pages of levy
records had been located, and that said records were being sent to
IRS for verification. If the 1,488 per page yield is equal to that for
The 16 pages, the levy money extraction would be $10,624,409.28
(i.e., more than ten million dollars). At this time, the IRS is refusing
to provide the 1,488 pages to Petitioner, prompting him to file
motion to compel disclosure, Doc. 199. Therefore at the time of
Petitioner's tax evasion conviction, he had zero tax liability for all
conviction years, and the IRS owed Petitioner more than ten million
dollars. Hence, Petitioner was wrongfully convicted. See Doc. 201.
HEARING would have shown Petitioner was wrongfully
reimprisoned. Doc. 201.
For all the reasons cited in the above paragraph, Petitioner's
reimprisonment on June 7, 2007 (Doc. 123) was wrongful. See
Doc 201.
HEARING would have shown Petitioner was wrongfully
reimprisoned for a second time. Doc. 201.
For all the reasons cited in the above paragraph, Petitioner's
second reimprisonment on April 14, 2008 (Doc. 182) was
wrongful. See Doc 201.
WHEREFORE we have shown the most egregious misconduct
and fraud to fabricate evidence (millions of dollars), involving
Petitioner's attorney as well as prosecuting attorneys to convict
Petitioner, and Petitioner therefore respectfully requests:
a. that Recommendation be denied in favor of Petitioner's Motion
for Relief Under Rule 60(b);
b. grant Petitioner's Motion to Compel Disclosure, Doc. 199;
c. grant Petitioner's Motion for Injunctive Relief, to end his second
(current) wrongful reimprisonment, Doc. 198;
d. such other relief this Honorable Court deems just and proper.
Respectfully submitted on January 15, 2009 by,
/s/ Bradford G. Brown, M.D.
Bradford G. Brown, M.D., ID#: 91022-020
Maxwell Air Force Base Federal Prison Camp
Montgomery B
Montgomery, AL 36112
This is to certify that the undersigned has this day served
interested parties with a copy of the within and forgoing
depositing a copy of same in the United States Mail with
postage properly affixed thereon, addressed to interested
parties as follows:

The Honorable Michael B. Mukasey............ Dean S. Daskal
United States Attorney General................... Assistant U. S. Atty.
Department of Justice ...................................Post Office Box 2568
950 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W. ..................Columbus, GA 31902
Washington, D.C. 20530-0001 ....................(706) 649-7700 Ph.
...........................................................................(706) 649-7667 Fax
The Honorable Glenn A. Fine....................... Patrick J. Leahy
Office of The Inspector General ...................Chair, Cmte. Judiciary
Department of Justice ...................................433 Russell Ofc. Bldg
950 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W., Ste. 4706 .....United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20530-0001..................... Washington, D.C.
........................................................................... zip code 20510-0001
Frank Maxwell Wood ....................................H. Marshall Jarrett
U. S. Attotney for the ....................................Counsel OPR
Middle District of Georgia ............................U. S. D. O J.
Post Office Box 1702 ....................................950 Penn. Ave NW
......................................................................... Suite 3266
Macon, GA 31202-1702 ..............................Washington, D.C.
......................................................................... zip code 20530
.........................................................................Attn.: Shamelle Lyles
.........................................................................Program Analyst
on the 15th day of January, 2009
/s/ Bradford G. Brown, M.D..
Bradford G. Brown, pro se, I# 91022-020
Maxwell Air Force Base, FPC
1001 Willow Street
Montgomery, AL 36112

Saturday, January 17, 2009


(For clarity, please read this posting eleventh.)
Postings list is to the right on this page.
On January 9, 2009, United States Magistrate Judge G. Mallon
Faircloth issued Doc. 203, REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION,
stating as follows:
"Only the most egregious misconduct, such as bribery of a judge
or member of a jury, or the fabrication of evidence by a party in
which an attorney is implicated, will constitute a fraud on the
court." Rozier v. Ford Motor Co. 573 F.2d 1332, 1338 (5th Cir.
1978). "Less egregious misconduct, such as nondisclosure to the
court of facts allegedly pertinent to the matter before it, will not
ordinarily rise to the level of fraud on the court. Id. Thus, "it is
necessary to show an unconscionable plan or scheme which is
designed to improperly influence the court in its decision." Id.
By this authority, even if Attorney Yurachek had maintained
his original reservation and totally withheld the Amended
1994 Tax Return and Collier's Affidavit from the court, that
nondisclosure would not have risen to the level of fraud on the
court. There can not have been a fraud upon the court by either
of the choices Attorney Yurachek might have made. Petitioner
Brown cannot support his claim of fraud upon the court, the only
avenue available to him under Federal Rule 60(b) of the Federal
Rules of Civil Procedure. The Supreme Court noted in Gonzalez,
545 U.S. at 533, 125 S.Ct. at 2648, n. 5, that, "[A]n attack based
on the movant's own conduct, or his habeas counsel's omission
ordinarily does not go to the integrity of the proceedings, but in
effect asks for a second chance to have the merits determined
All of Brown's claims and arguments, including his faulty claim
of fraud on the court, attempt to gain him a new trial as is
evident from his Motion For Relief From Judgement (Doc. 151)
and his Reply (Doc. 201). This court has had jurisdiction only
to consider Brown's claim of fraud on the court pursuant to Rule
60(b). Having found that claim to be without merit, the court
must recognize the limitation of its jurisdiction and that
Petitioner Brown has failed to invoke its jurisdiction at this
point in this case. For that reason his Motion for Injunctive
Relief (Doc. 198) as to his criminal adjudication and his Motion
for Disclosure (Doc. 199) amount to claims involving challenges
to his conviction and sentence that can be brought only in a
second or successive Motion to Vacate, Set Aside, or Correct
Sentence pursuant to 28 U.S.C., Section 2255. This court is
without jurisdiction to entertain such without authorization
from the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh
Circuit. 28 U.S.C., Section 2244(b).
Brown's Rule 60(b) Motion be DENIED as failing to state a
claim upon which this court may grant relief. Pursuant to
28 U.S.C., Section 60(b)(1), Petitioner may serve and file
written objection to this Recommendation with the UNITED
being served with a copy hereof.
SO RECOMMENDED this 9th day of January 2009.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Dr. Brown Requests Panel Review of Dismissal

(For clarity, please read this posting tenth.)
Postings list is to the right on this page.

Bradford G. Brown, M.D., ID #: 91022-020
Maxwell Air Force Base Federal Prison Camp
Montgomery B Unit
Montgomery, AL 36112
January 15, 2009
United States Court of Appeals
56 Forsyth Street, N.W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Re: Petition for Panel Review of Order of Dismissal ("ORDER") of
Judicial Complaint No. 110890117 ("COMPLAINT"), Pursuant to
Title 28 U.S.C., Section 352 and Addendum Rules 5,6,7 and 15
Dear Sir:
Judge Land acted as judge and prosecutor:
COMPLAINT provided notice and supporting proof that District
Judge Clay D. Land improperly acted as prosecutor when he
issued Notice of Final Hearing on Final Probation Revocation
(on March 17, 2008) without a request from either party.
ORDER dismissed this allegation, asserting it is "directly related
to the merits of a decision or procedural ruling", pursuant to
Chpter 16 of Title 28 U.S.C., Section 352(b)(1)(A). Petitionmer
does not complain about the decision, rather, Petitioner
complains about the fact that Judge Land acted as judge as well
as prosecutor. This prejudiced the effective and expeditious
administration of the business of the Court, as Judge Land
became both judge and prosecutor (rendering the failure of the
judicial system). I therefore respectfully request Panel Review
Judge Land refused to rule on any exonerative motions
(there were many):
COMPLAINT provided notice and supporting proof that Judge
Clay D. Land refused to rule on any exoneratived motions, of
which [DE-168 March 26, 2008] is one example; DE-198
(August 8, 2008), DE-199 (August 18, 2008), and DE-201
(October 9, 2008) are other such examples. ORDER asserts
that "the record clearly reveals that Judge Land issued a ruling,
unfavorable to Mr. Brown, fifty four days after the motion was
filed" [i.e., fifty four days after DE-168 which would be May 19,
2008]. With due respect, on May 19, 2008, Magistrate Judge
Faircloth (under the supervision of District Judge Clay D. Land)
issued order, denying DE-156 (DE-156 was request by
Petitioner for a stay, pending DE-151 ruling). Said ruling was
unfavorable to Petitioner, but it was not a ruling on DE-168.
As of the current date, DE-168 has not received a ruling from
any judge.
Note that DE-168 uses Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA")
information from Department of Justice, Tax Division to
demonstrate that Petitioner had zero tax liability for all
conviction years (1994, 1995) at the time of trial, implying
innocence pursuant to United States v. Edwards, 777 F.2d
644, 650 (11th Cir. 1985). The implication of this fact is that
Petitioner is an innocent man who was wrongfully convicted,
and continues to be wrongfully imprisoned (a fact that continues
to be possible because Judge Land refused to rule on exonerative
motions, such as DE-168, DE-198, DE-199 and DE-201).
Also, note that DE-201(October 9, 2008) uses FOIA information
to demonstrate that IRS extracted an estimated sum exceeding
ten million dollars from Petitioner for years, 1993 forward (a fact
that was not disclosed to Petitioner or jury at the time of trial).
To obtain the FOIA information that would provide the exact
information in place of the estimate referenced above, Petitioner
filed DE-199, Motion to Compel Disclosure of the 1,488 pages of
levy extraction records located by FOIA (paid for by Petitioner
$1,176.00) and sent to IRS instead of Petitioner. FOIA did send
16 pages of levy extraction records that amounted to
$114,241.00 in medical payments (implying average per page
levy extraction amount was $7,140.06), which implies 1,488
pages would yield 1,488 times $7,140.06 = $10,624,409.28
(ten million, six hundred twenty four thousand, four hundred
nine dollars and twenty eight cents). Therefore, Petitioner is an
innocent man wrongfully convicted for tax evasion (while IRS
owes him more than ten million dollars), and remains wrongfully
imprisoned because Judge Land refuses to rule on exonerative
motions that have been pending before him (since October 9,
2008 for DE-201) for almost one year (since March 26, 2008
in the case of DE-168).
This prejudiced (and continues to do so) the effective and
expeditious administration of the business of the Court,
rendering the continued failure of the judicial system. Said
conduct is willful. Petitioner therefore respectfully requests
Panel Review of ORDER.
Judge Land allowed docket record to be misrepresented:
COMPLAINT provided notice and supporting proof that Judge
Clay D. Land, as supervising district judge, allowed Magistrate
Judge Faircloth to issue erroneous order on June 12, 2008
(DE-189, Order Staying 151 Motion Pending Appeal). No
appeal was pending on June 12, 2008 (this was a clear
misrepresentation of the docket record). Petitioner notified
the Court of said erroneous order (July 17, 2008) by filing
DE-193, Motion to Correct Erroneous Order. DE-193 is yet
to receive a ruling, and erroroneous order DE-189 is yet to
be corrected (this issue was not addressed by ORDER). The
effect of this unaddressed order (DE-189) is to facilitate the
continued avoidance of a ruling on the pending exonerative
motions (facilitating the continued wrongful punishment of
an innocent man).
Judge Land ignoed request to issue subpoena:
COMPLAINT provided notice and supporting proof that Judge
Clay D. Land ignored Petitioner's request to order Clerk to
issue subpoena for the IRS levy records (1,488 pages, the
subject of DE-199 Motion to Compel Disclosure), for which
Petitioner paid $1,176.00 to FOIA.
This conduct effected a continuation of the prejudice of the
effective and expeditious administration of the business of
the Court, guaranteeing continued failure of the judicial system
(Petitioner known to be innocent, the proof of which is held in
the hands of District Judge Clay D. Land, continues to be
wrongfully imprisoned and punished because Judge Land
stands by and will not act). I therefore respectfully request
Panel Review of ORDER.
With respect,

/s/ Bradford G. Brown, M.D.
Bradford G. Brown, M.D., ID#: 91022-020
Maxwell Air Force Base Federal Prison Camp
Montgomery B Unit
Montgomery, AL 36112

Friday, January 9, 2009

Judicial Complaint Dismissed on Technicality

(For clarity, please read this posting ninth.)
Postings list is to the right on this page.

On December 23, 2008, clerk of the Eleventh Circuit U. S. Court of Appeals sent the following letter to Dr. Bradford G. Brown:
United States Court of Appeals
Eleventh Circuit
56 Forsyth Street, N.W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Thomas K. Kahn, Clerk
In Replying Give Number Of Case and Names of Parties
December 23, 2008
Bradford G. Brown
ID# 91022-020
FPC Maxwell AFB
Montgomery, AL 36112
RE: Judicial Complaint No. 110890117
IN THE MATTER OF: Bradford G. Brown
Dear Mr. Brown
Enclosed is an order of Chief Circuit Judge J. L. Edmondson that has been received and filed in this office which is effective as the date filed. This determines the complaint of judicial misconduct or disability earlier filed by you pursuant to Title 28 U.S.C., Sections 351 et seq. 364, the Rules for Judicial-Conduct and Judicial-Disability of the United States Judicial Conference, and Addendum III of the Rules of the Judicial Council of the Eleventh Circuit.
Reply To: Ed McElhenney (404) 335-6577
Hon. Clay D. Land
Clerk's Secure File
Judicial Complaint No. 110890117
IN RE: The complaint of Bradford G. Brown, against, Clay D. Land,
United States District Judge for the United States District Court
for the Middle District of Georgia, under Chapter 16 of Title 28 U.S.C.,
Section 352(b)(1)(A)
Mr. Bradford G. Brown filed this complaint against U. S. District Judge Clay D. Land, pursuant to Chapter 16 of Title 28 U. S. C., Section 352(b)(1)(A).
Mr. Brown complains that Judge Land improperly acted as prosecutor when he issued a Notice of Final Hearing on Final Probation Revocation without a request from either party. Mr. Brown also alleges that Judge Land refused to rule on an exonerative motion [DE-168], even though the record clearly reveals that Judge Land issued a ruling, unfavorable to Mr. Brown, fifty four days after the motion was filed.
The allegations of this Complaint are "directly related to the merits of a decision or procedural ruling". Therefore, pursuant to Chapter 16 of Title 28 U.S. C., Section 352(b)(1)(A) this Complaint is DISMISSED.
/s/ J. L. Edmondson
Chief Judge

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Judicial Complaint against Judge Clay D. Land

(For clarity, please read this posting eighth.)
Postings list is to the right on this page.
On December 01, 2008, Dr. Brown filed Judicial Complaint (No. 110890117 with Eleventh Circuit Judicial Council) against District Judge Clay. D. Land, regarding his misconduct in criminal case 3:02-cr-14 (civil appeal case 3:05-cv-38) with associated facts, as follows:

IGNORED SUBPOENA REQUEST (all to detriment of Petitioner)
Judge Clay D. Land was assigned to instant case on March 17, 2008, at which time exonertive motions were pending (or became pending shortly thereafter) that demonstrated that Petitioner, not only did not owe any tax liability at the time of his tax evasion trial (for tax years 1994, 1995), but was owed money by the IRS - estimated to be more than ten million dollars, based on the documents that have been disclosed to Petitioner by the Department of Justice, Tax Division Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA") division. Said motions are described in the attached INDEX of docket entry ("Doc.") numbers (i.e., posting number seven of this blog). Of particular note are:
1. Doc. 121 10-23-2006 Motion for Reconsideration of Restitution and Fine - shows 1994 tax liability was zero.
2. Doc. 151 10-12-2007 Petitioner's 60(b) motion shows his Section 2255 attorney, Mark Yurachek, committed fraud upon the Court by refusing to assert "1994 liability was zero, as ground for relief" in spite of being asked in writing to do so.
3. Doc. 168 03-26-2008 Amended Reply to Response to Petitioner's 60(b) motion shows extraordinary circumstances, "FOIA information arrived to demonstrate that at time of trial, Government had information that proved Petitioner owed zero tax for all conviction years, 1994 and 1995".
In the face of these pending exonerative motions, Judge Land effectuated unrequested damaging action by issuing, on March 17, 2008, Notice of Hearing on Final Probation Revocation Hearing set for 04-03-2008. Since Government did not request revocation action, we have Doc. 162 on 03-18-2008, Government Motion for Clarification of Hearing Notice, in which Assistant U. S. Attorney ("AUSA") Dean Daskal asserts,"The docket sheet does not reflect that a revocation petition of any nature is pending before the Court". This shows that Judge land acted as Prosecutor - losing appearance of impartiality. He subverted the administration of the business of the Court by ignoring pending exonerative motions. Doc 168 on 03-26-2008 (well before the hearing of 04-03-2008) established from FOIA records, Petitioner owed zero tax liability for conviction years (1994, 1995) to render tax evasion impossible, pursuant to United States v. Edwards, 777 F.2d 644, 650 (11th Cir. 1985). Prosecutor AUSA Jennifer Kolman, at revocation hearing, acknowledged that Petitioner had no tax liability by withdrawing allegation 5. Doc. 177, p. 4, 6:12p.m.
Petitioner issued FOIA request on February 25, 2008 for IRS levy records for money extracted from insurance company accounts destined for him as payments for medical services rendered to their members for years, 1993 forward. On March 28, 2008, FOIA responded, indicating 23 boxes of IRS levy documentation resulted. On April 2, 2008, FOIA provided 16 pages from the 23 boxes reflecting 16 pages with levy amount of $114,241.00. Petitioner was informed that he must pay $1,176.00 for them to process the remaining boxes for levy pages. Petitioner paid the $1,176.00 fee, and on July 212, 2008, Petitioner was informed that the remaining boxes had yielded 1,488 pages; further, FOIA asserted that the 1,488 pages were being sent to the IRS for confirmation. IRS refuses to send the 1,488 pages to Petitioner (see letter from IRS, dated October 28, 2008, attached to Complaint 110890117 as Exhibit 5). Help is needed from the Court to compel disclosure (Judge Land has ignored request to order Clerk to issue subpoena). See Exhibit 6 of Complaint 110890117. Also, see Doc. 172, 175, 201.
If the per page yield for the 1,488 equals that for the 16 pages, the estimated levy extraction from Petitioner would be $10,624,409.28 (far in excess of tax liability attached to Petitioner's conviction). In light of this information, on 08-08-2008, Petitioner filed Doc. 198, Motion for Injunctive Relief. Also, on 08-18-2008, Petitioner filed Doc. 199, Motion to Compel Disclosure of the 1,488 levy pages. Both motions have been ignored.
As a result of Judge Land's unrequested action in the face of exonerative pending motions, we have Petitioner in prison for a crime for which his guilt is impossible (all because Judge Land refuses to rule on the motions that offer the Government's own proof if innocence - zero tax liability, Edwards, supra). In so doing, Judge Land prejudiced the effective and expeditious administration of the business of the Court (rendering clear judicial misconduct).
On June 12, 20087, Magistrate Judge G. Mallon Faircloth issued Doc. 189, Order Staying 151 Motion Pending Appeal (asserting that Petitioner's motion for relief under Rule 60(b) can not proceed in District because Petitioner has an appeal pending in U. S. Court of Appeals). This assertion is a blatant misrepresentation of the docket sheet record in this case. In response, Petitioner filed Doc. 193, Motion to Correct Erroneous Order (Doc. 189 is contained in Doc. 193, as Exhibit A). Doc.193 is attached hereto as Exhibit 4 (ignored by Judge Land).
On July 29, 2008, Magistrate Judge Faircloth issued Doc. 197, Order Lifting Stay And Order to Answer. This is equivalent to Doc. 152 (the original order to the Government to respond to Petitioner's 60(b) motion, which was issued by Magistrate Judge Faircloth on October 19, 2007). However, Doc. 197 was issued approximately nine (9) months after Doc. 152, causing Petitioner to lose the benefit of all the exonerative FOIA discoveries that were presented to the Court between October 19, 2007 and July 29, 2008. This nullified all of Petitioner's exonerative motions after Doc. 151, before Doc. 198 (prejudicing effective, expeditious administration of the business of the Court).

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

INDEX List of Important Pleadings

(For clarity, please read this posting seventh.)
Postings list is to the right on this page.
Dr. Brown's case (3:02-cr-14) docket ("Doc.") contains all referenced documents at the Middle District of Georgia Courthouse in Macon, Georgia. Dr. Brown made numerous requests from the Department of Justice, Tax Division Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA") division. Therefore, a reference below to FOIA is a reference to this entity. One accepted standard in the Eleventh Judicial Circuit for proof of innocence of tax evasion is zero tax liability for the considered tax year, according to the landmark case : United States v. Edwards, 777 F.2d 644, 650 (11th Cir. 1985). We shall use this fact often below, by referring to Edwards. We present important pleading documents in date order below; we note that those motions that were exonerative to Dr. Brown are still pending (i.e., have not received a ruling from a judge):

Doc. 121 10-23-2006 Motion for Reconsideration of Restitution and Fine - showed 1994 tax liability was zero, using existing records (and information provided by IRS Agent James Kohler on March 30, 2004). IRS return and affidavit were produced by Certified Public Accountant Edisel Collier. Note that Dr. Brown's evasion conviction was for tax years, 1994 and 1995.

Doc. 122 01-10-2007 Amended Motion for Reconsideration of Restitution and Fine - showed 1994 and 1995 tax liabilities were zero, using Doc. 121 and existing records. IRS return for 1995 was not produced by a Certified Public Accountant.

Doc. 151 10-12-2007 Motion for Relief from Judgement under Fed. R. Civ. P. 60(b) Pursuant to Fraud Upon the Court - showed that Dr. Brown's Section 2255 attorney (Mark A. Yurachek, with the knowledge of presiding judge - Hugh Lawson) committed fraud upon the Court, by refusing to assert "1994 tax liability equals zero, as ground for relief" in spite of being asked to do so (in writing more than once). See Doc. 88 12-07-2005 for Judge Lawson's letter to Dr. Brown that asserts, "Dear Dr. Brown: I have your letter of November 30, 2005, in which you request that I order the Grievance Committee to investigate Mark Yurachek's handling of your 2255 petition for relief. I do not believe that your disagreement with your attorney about the substance of your section 2255 petition is the proper subject of a Grievance Committee investigation and I decline to refer the matter to them."

Note that Section 2255 refers to the statute, Title 28 - Section 2255, that allows a federal defendant to present to the Court evidence that would justify setting aside or correcting his conviction and sentence (within one year after the time allowed said defendant to petition the Supreme Court for appeal of his criminal conviction judgement). This is a kind of last chance appeal, available to the defendant. Also, fraud upon the Court (the intentional misleading of the Court by a lawyer or a judge) is forbidden by Rule 60(b) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.

Doc. 152 10-19-2007 ORDER TO RESPOND TO MOTION FOR RELIEF FROM JUDGEMENT UNDER FED. R. CIV. P. 60(b) PURSUANT TO FRAUD UPON THE COURT - issued by Magistrate Judge G. Mallon Faircloth for the Government to respond to Doc. 151 within 60 days.

Doc. 154 11-01-2007 JUDGEMENT of U. S. Court of Appeals, re: 137 notice of appeal. Brown's revocation of supervised release and accompanying sentence affirmed (CCA# 07-11354). - showed that Dr. Brown's notice of appeal (Doc. 137) had been resolved by mandate of the U. S. Court of Appeals on November 1, 2007.

Note that Judge Faircloth will issue (erroneous order) Doc. 189 06-12-2008 to assert that Dr. Brown had the appeal associated with Doc. 137 still pending resolution at the U. S. Court of Appeals, requiring a STAY of Doc. 151 (i. e., Doc. 151 must be put on hold). This is a misrepresentation of the docket record in this case.

In response, Dr. Brown issued Doc. 193 07-17-2008 Motion to Correct Erroneous Order. On July 29, 2008, Judge Faircloth will issue Doc. 197 07-29-2008 ORDER LIFTING STAY AND ORDER TO ANSWER. This gives the impression that Judge Faircloth is correcting the erroneous order (Doc. 189), but he really is not, since we have a nine (9) month gap (from November 1, 2007 until July 29, 2008) within which no action is taken on the exonerative motion, Doc. 151 (even though the Government has met its Doc. 152 responsibility to respond within 60 days).

This could be interpreted as a good faith mistake in the absence of Doc. 193 07-17-2008, which makes it clear that November 1, 2007 is the resolution date for Doc. 137. Therefore, Judge Faircloth willfully continues the misrepresentation when he ignores Doc. 193 and orders the Government to answer again in Doc. 197 07-29-2008. This constitutes fraud upon the Court by Judge Faircloth. Note that Judge Land was the district judge to whom this case was currently assigned, and was therefore responsible for the case administration (thus, shared in this fraud upon the Court).

Doc. 155 12-11-2007 GOVERNMENT'S RESPONSE TO BROWN'S PRO SE MOTION FOR RELIEF FROM JUDGEMENT - asserted that Dr. Brown should prevail only if he could show (not only innocence), but he must also show (extraordinary circumstances affecting the integrity of the judgement proceeding).

Note that Dr. Brown will show innocence (i.e., zero tax liability for both conviction years, 1995 and 1995), since tax evasion is not possible in the face of zero tax liability according to Edwards case. He will show extraordinary circumstances, because he will use the Government's records to do so (FOIA records). In addition, the Government extracted levy money (more than ten million dollars) from Dr. Brown (without notifying him) over a period of time, 1993 until the present. Dr. Brown simply thought that the insurance companies were just refusing to pay him (in reality, the IRS had initiated a levy extraction process that redirected insurance payments from Dr. Brown over to the IRS). This will be made clear in Doc. 201.

Doc. 156 12-18-2007 MOTION FOR STAY OF ENFORCEMENT OF JUDGEMENT UNDER FED. R. CIV. P. 62(b) PENDING MOTION FOR RELIEF FROM JUDGEMENT UNDER FED. R. CIV. P. 60(b) PURSUANT TO FRAUD UPON THE COURT - requested stay of remaining unsatisfied aspects of the criminal judgement of conviction and sentence until a ruling on Doc. 151.

Doc. 157 12-18-2007 DEFENDANT'S REPLY TO GOVERNMENT'S RESPONSE TO DEFENDANT'S MOTION FOR RELIEF FROM JUDGEMENT UNDER FED. R. CIV. P. 60(b) PURSUANT TO FRAUD UPON THE COURT - showed 1994 and 1995 tax liabilities were zero, based on Doc. 121 and Doc. 122.

Case Reassignment 03-17-2008 Case 3:02-cr-14 assigned to Judge Clay D. Land from Judge C. Ashley Royal.

Notice of Hearing 03-17-2008 - unrequested supervised release action initiated by Judge Land, scheduled for 04-03-2008.

Doc. 162 03-18-2008 Government Motion for Clarification of Hearing Notice - since the Government did not request a revocation hearing, Assistant U. S. Attorney Dean Daskal asserts, "The notice declares that this defendant shall have a final probation revocation hearing on April 3, 2008. However, the defendant is not subject to sentence of probation. After he was imprisoned and later released pursuant to the judgement of conviction, defendant's supervised release was revoked in early 2007, and he was sentenced to serve 3 months. (Doc. Nos. 135 and 136). On appeal, the revocation and sentence were affirmed. (Doc. No. 154). The docket sheet does not reflect that a revocation petition of any nature is pending before the Court."

Note. At this point, Judge Land had lost "the appearance of impartiality towards Dr. Brown". He had begun to act as "prosecutor against Dr. Brown"; therefore, had become disqualified to preside over Dr. Brown's case (as presiding judge), pursuant to Title 28, Section 455(a).

Doc. 168 03-26-2008 DEFENDANT'S AMENDED REPLY TO SHOW EXISTENCE OF EXTRAORDINARY CIRCUMSTANCES INVOLVING A DEFECT IN THE INTEGRITY OF THE CRIMINAL JUDGEMENT PROCEEDINGS AS WELL AS THE SECTION 2255 PROCEEDINGS - shows "extraordinary circumstances". FOIA information arrived on Junuary 30, 2008 to demonstrate that at the time of trial, Government had IRS generated BANK DEPOSIT ANALYSIS, BRADFORD G. BROWN, MD PC ("MDPC") report that showed that the returns of record taxable deposit income (imputed to Dr. Brown) was overstated as follows: 1994 taxable MDPC deposits = $608,222.11, and 1995 taxable MDPC deposits = $436,913.23; it should have been 1994 taxable MDPC deposits = $44,995.89, and 1995 taxable MDPC deposits = $61,171.77. Therefore, the returns of record at the time of trial overstated Dr. Brown's taxable income by $563,226.22 for 1994, and by $375,741.46 for 1995.

When this pleading was filed, supporting FOIA documentation for above mentioned overstatement of taxable income (containing complete detail, front and back of cancelled checks, etc.) was submitted to the docket in the form of three books, as follows: MDPC Deposit Analysis 1994 1995, Book 1; MDPC Deposit Analysis 1994 1995, Book 2; BDC Deposit Analysis & Bank Statements 1995.

The FOIA information contained unclaimed (on the returns of record) deductible disbursements as follows: 1994 unclaimed deductible disbursements of $333,434.97; 1995 unclaimed deductible disbursements of $1,045,326.12.

When this pleading was filed, supporting FOIA documentation for above mentioned unclaimed deductible disbursements (containing complete detail, front and back of cancelled checks, etc.) was submitted to the docket in the form of three books, as follows: MDPC, BBS 1995 Expense Checks; BDC 1995 Expense Checks; MDPC, BDC 1994 Expense Checks.

1994: conviction associated tax loss was $232,764.00. Overstated taxable income was $608,222.11. Unclaimed deductible disbursements were $333,434.97. This implies a 1994 tax liability of $232,764.00 - .33($608,222.11 + $333,434.97) = $232,764.00 - $310,746.83 = minus $77,982.83 (i.e., 1994 tax liability is less than zero).

1995: conviction associated tax loss was $341,476.00. Overstated taxable income was $375,741.46. Unclaimed deductible disbursements were $1,045,326.12. This implies a 1995 tax liability of $341,476.00 - .33($375,741.46 + $1,045,326.12) = $341,476.00 - $468,952.30 = minus $127,476.33 (i.e., 1995 tax liability is less than zero).

Therefore, this pleading (using only FOIA provided information) shows, "the true tax liability for all conviction years (1994, 1995) was less than zero". This renders tax evasion for the conviction years (1994 and 1995) impossible according to the Edwards standard.

Doc. 172 03-31-2008 DEFENDANT'S SECOND AMENDED REPLY TO SHOW EXISTENCE OF EXTRAORDINARY CIRCUMSTANCES INVOLVING A DEFECT IN THE INTEGRITY OF THE CRIMINAL JUDGEMENT PROCEEDINGS AS WELL AS THE SECTION 2255 PROCEEDINGS - FOIA information (resulting from request of February 25, 2008) arrived to show 23 boxes of IRS records were being searched for IRS levy extractions from insurance company accounts of payments to Dr. Brown for medical services that he had rendered to said insurance company members.

Note that since it was established in Doc. 168 (using only FOIA records) that Dr. Brown had zero tax liability for the conviction years (1994, 1995), these levy extractions are owed back to Dr. Brown. Hence, not only does Dr. Brown not owe the IRS for the conviction years (1994, 1995), the IRS owes Dr. Brown for said years. This surely qualifies as, "extraordinary circumstances" involving the integrity of the underlying criminal judgement, as well as the Section 2255 proceedings. This pleading is still pending (i.e., no judge has ruled on this motion).

Doc. 175 04-03-2008 DEFENDANT'S THIRD AMENDED REPLY TO SHOW EXISTENCE OF EXTRAORDINARY CIRCUMSTANCES INVOLVING A DEFECT IN THE INTEGRITY OF THE CRIMINAL JUDGEMENT PROCEEDINGS AS WELL AS THE SECTION 2255 PROCEEDINGS - FOIA information arrived (April 2, 2008) to demonstrate that sixteen (16) pages of levy extraction records had been located. Those 16 pages came from the first two boxes, and were only some of the extractions for 1994 and 1995 (more than twenty boxes remain to be examined). The amount of extractions was $114,241.00 (a more complete explanation will be given in Doc. 201).

Hearing 04-03-2008 Unrequested Supervised Release Revocation Hearing (ordered by Judge Land and also attended by Chief Judge Hugh Lawson) - was held.

Doc. 177 04-03-2008 Minutes Entry for revocation proceeding before Judge Land - Dr. Brown informed the Court that Doc. 168 was pending (since 03-26-2008) indicating by means of FOIA supplied information that the true tax liability for all conviction years (1994, 1995) was zero. Also, Dr. Brown went on to inform the Court that Doc. 175 was just filed (also totally based on FOIA supplied information), indicating that (not only did he have zero tax liability for the conviction years) the IRS owed levy extraction to Dr. Brown for more than $114,241.00 for said years. At that point, Prosecutor Assistant U. S. Attorney Jennifer Kolman moved the Court to dismiss allegation 5 (allegation pertaining to restitution). This exchange is found on page 4, at 6:12p.m.

This is acknowledgement by Prosecutor Kolman that Dr. Brown had zero liability for the conviction years. Judge Land proceeded to find Dr. Brown guilty of "failure to work regularly", and to sentenced him to 14 months reimprisonment.

Doc. 182 04-14-2008 AMENDED JUDGEMENT - Judge Land found Dr. Brown guilty of failure to work regularly and sentenced him to a term of fourteen months of reimprisonment. Note that Doc. 168 and Doc. 172 demonstrate the extraordinary circumstances: Dr. Brown owed zero tax liability for all conviction years (1994, 1995), and IRS owed Dr. Brown for levy extractions for said years (an unknown amount, exceeding $114,241.00). The exact amount of the levy extractions is the subject of a subpoena that Dr. Brown is struggling to obtain Court assistance to issue.

Dr. Brown filed a notice of appeal (pro se) of this revocation, to assert "no basis for revocation in the face of zero tax liability". Dr. Brown was unable to follow through from prison, and the appeal was dismissed on 07-02-2008 (Doc. 192) for failure to litigate.

Doc. 189 06-12-2008 ORDER STAYING 151 PENDING APPEAL - order asserts that Dr. Brown's notice of appeal (Doc. 137, on March 26, 2007) to the U. S. Court of Appeals is still pending. See Doc. 154 and Doc. 162 to confirm that said appeal was already concluded by mandate of the U. S. Court of Appeals on November 1, 2008. Therefore, this is an erroneous order. Notification of this fact (erroneous order) was filed by Dr. Brown in Doc. 193.

Doc. 193 07-17-2008 Motion to Correct Erroneous Order - as there is no appeal pending in U. S. Court of Appeals, Doc. 189 misrepresents the docket sheet record. the details of this misrepresentation are described in this motion. No judge has ruled on this motion (i.e., motion still pending).

Doc. 197 07-29-2008 ORDER LIFTING STAY AND ORDER TO ANSWER - this (order by Magistrate Judge G. Mallon Faircloth) is equivalent to Doc. 152, but 9 months later. Thus, we have lost 9 months, since Doc. 193 never received a ruling. Dr. Brown lost the benefit of the exonerative pleadings (Doc. 168 through Doc. 175), which were sufficient to reverse his conviction and end his inprisonment.

Doc. 198 08-08-2008 Motion for Injunctive Relief - this is a request in the face of the extraordinary circumstances (Doc. 168 shows zero tax liability for convictionyears; Doc. 175 shows IRS owes Dr. Brown for levy extraction in conviction years), Dr. Brown qualifies under the most strengent standards for injunctive relief. This request is still pending (i.e., yet to receive a ruling by a judge).

Doc. 199 08-18-2008 Motion to Compel Disclosure of Petitioner's IRS Levy Records - to determine the exact amount of money the IRS extracted from Dr. Brown by way of levy extractions for years, 1993 forward.

Doc. 201 10-09-2008 PETITIONER'S REPLY TO GOVERNMENT'S RESPONSE TO PETITIONER'S MOTION FOR RELIEF UNDER RULE 60(b) OF THE FEDERAL RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE PURSUANT TO FRAUD UPON THE COUNT - this is in response to Doc. 197 (the most recent order from Magistratge Judge Faircloth to reply to Government's response to Doc. 151). FOIA responded on July 22, 2008 to assert: 1,488 pages of apparent levy records have been located, and are being sent to IRS for verification. IRS claims they must not disclose the records for fear of compromising some unspecified law inforcement efforts.

Note that Dr. Brown paid an FOIA demanded fee of $1,176.00 for the records.

Since the 16 pages (provided by FOIA on April 2, 2008) contained $114,241.00, we use the per page money yield ($114,241.00 / 16), of $7,140.06 to estimate the total money yield for the 1,488 pages to be $10,624,409.28.

Therefore, this is a bizaare extraordinary circumstance: Dr. Brown is in prison for tax evasion, and the IRS actually owes him more than ten million dollars.

The person assigned (February 15, 2007) to audit and review Dr. Brown's case is: Trail Attorney Carol Koehler Ide / Department of Justice, Tax Division / Civil Trial Section / Southern Region /P. O. Box 14198 / Washington, Dc 20044. She has been provided all of Dr. Brown's documents that have been referenced in this INDEX Listing. Ms. Ide is unable (or unwilling) to provide a finding to Dr. Brown. Hence, Dr. Brown languishes in Maxwell Air Force Base Federal Prison Camp / Inmate # 91022-020 / Montgomery B Unit / Montgomery, Alabama 36112.

This will be an unhappy Christmas.

Judicial Complaint 12-01-2008 Complaint Number 110890117 at the Eleventh Circuit Judicial Council - Judge Land: refused to rule on exonerative motions; initiated unrequested action to reimprison Petitioner; ignored subpoena request; allowed docket misrepresentation.

Doc. 202 12-10-2008 MOTION TO RECUSE - Judge Land has: refused to rule on Dr. Brown's exonertive motions; initiated unrequested action to reimprison Dr. Brown; ignored levy record subpoena request; allowed docket sheet record misrepresentation. Thus, Dr. Brown filed motion requesting Judge Land to recuse himself, pursuant to Title 28, Section 455(a).

Judge Land rules 12-11-2008 ORDER DENYING Doc. 202 MOTION TO RECUSE - this is an unnumbered, text only entry (i.e., there is no document number; there is no document).

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Judge Land Allowed Docket Misrepresentation

(For clarity, please read this posting sixth.)
Postings list is to the right on this page.
On June 12, 2008, Magistrate Judge G. Mallon Faircloth issued Doc. 189, Order Staying 151 Motion Pending Appeal (asserting that Dr. Brown's motion under Rule 60(b) can not proceed in District Court because he has an appeal pending in the U. S. Court of Appeals). This assertion is a blatant misrepresentation of the docket sheet record in this case. In response, Dr. Brown filed Doc. 193, Motion to Correct Erroneous Order, on July 17, 2008. Doc. 193 was ignored by Judge Land (fraud upon the Court)

On July 29, 2008, Magistrate Judge Faircloth issued Doc. 197, Order Lifting Stay And Order to Answer. This is equivalent to Doc. 152 (the original order to the Government to respond to Dr. Brown's 60(b) motion for relief, which was issued by Magistrate Judge Faircloth on October 19, 2007). However, Doc. 197 was issued approximately nine (9) months after Doc. 152, causing Dr. Brown to lose the benefit of all the exonerative FOIA discoveries that were presented to the Court between October 19, 2007 and July 29, 2008. This nullified all of Dr. Brown's exonerative motions after Doc. 151, before Doc. 198 (prejudicing the effective expeditious administration of the business of the Court). In response, Dr. Brown filed Judicial Misconduct Complaint No. 110890117 against Judge Land, with the Eleventh Circuit Judicial Council.